
NTHC Religious School

he North Tahoe Hebrew Congregation Religious School provides the youngest members of our NTHC family a firm foundation in Jewish knowledge. From Jewish history and culture, to holidays and traditions and from leadership skills to Jewish pride, we help our young people become Jews with whom we want to share the Earth. The Jewish tradition reminds us time and again with the commandments V’Shinantam Livanecha (Deut. 6:7) and V’Limadetem Otam (Deut. 11:19) about the legacy Judaism offers. Torah is teaching us that it is not just parents responsibility to teach their children (6:7) but also that of the whole community (11:19). We live this value and this Mitzvah (Commandment) by investing in our future through our Religious School.


North Tahoe Hebrew Congregation provides a welcoming environment for our youngest members to engage in Jewish learning and to build a skill set for celebrating Jewish life. Our Religious School enables our students to explore Jewish Holidays, History and Text. Our Hebrew learning creates the space for them to gain confidence using the Hebrew language and experience with our liturgy (prayers). Students are enrolled in a class based on grade level and past experience. Our time together includes activities for the whole school as well as individual class time. During each session, students engage in either Tefillah (prayer) or programming to use and practice what they learn throughout the year. This coming year, we will be exploring project-based learning as way to engage with life skills in a uniquely Jewish context and community.


North Tahoe Hebrew Congregation Religious School meets Tuesday afternoons from 4-6pm at NTHC. The schedule is published each August to allow families the opportunity to mark their calendars. A typical schedule begins with a welcome ritual, includes arts and crafts, songs and storytelling, project-based learning, and the afternoon will include time for an after-school snack.


Subscribe to the 2023-2024 NTHC digital Calendar here.

Register for 5784 - 2023-24