What to expect

We work closely with our member families and celebrate with our whole community. If you are not a current member, reach out if you’re interested in becoming a member to start the B’ Mitzvah journey.

Our B’nai Mitzvah program is a beautifully orchestrated life cycle event which encompasses both teaching of Hebrew, chanting of blessings and Torah cantillation (the methodology for chanting Torah), and the special relationships created with the teachers, the Rabbi and the students.

Rabbi Evon Yakar and Rabbi Lauren Ben-Shoshan partner with the B’nai Mitzvah family throughout the study program. Preparation begins in advance with private appointments, and an introduction to the study of Torah with our Rabbi facilitating in person, via Zoom or over the phone. The uniqueness of this sacred event is felt in the warmth, personal concern, and quality of learning that is given to each and every child.

Every child that celebrates their Bar/Bat Mitzvah develops a close bond with our Rabbis, teachers and community. Each and every young person is given the love, and care that makes their Bar or Bat Mitzvah celebration one of the most memorable Jewish events of their lives.