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Counting the Omer

Join us on Zoom Wednesdays April 24th-June 5th

The seven-week period from Passover to Shavuot is known as "The Counting of the Omer."

There is a tradition of associating each week of this period with one of the seven lower sefirot (divine emanations). These are chesed (lovingkindness), gevurah (strength), tiferet (beauty/balance), netzach (endurance), hod (splendor/humility), yesod (foundation), and malchut (sovereignty/presence).This year, rabbis from smaller Reform congregations will be teaching a Zoom course on the Counting of the Omer. Each week, a rabbi or a pair of rabbis will offer half-hour lessons on the spiritual and ethical teachings of the sefirot. We will explore Jewish texts, spiritual practices, and ethical exercises that help participants learn about the meaning of the sefirot and how we integrate these teachings into our lives.

Register for Free:

June 5 – Malchut

(Sovereignty/ Presence)

Rabbi Edwin Goldberg, Woodlands, TX

Rabbi Neal Katz, Tyler, TX

June 5

Afternoon Mahjong

June 7

Kids and Teens Krav Maga