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Great Courses Series *New Time*

10:00am - Great Courses Series *New Time*

Platform: Zoom

The Great Courses company has assembled a set of courses describing what it calls “The World’s Great Religions.” One of these is Judaism. In twelve lectures taught by Professor Isaiah M. Gafni, Ph.D., of Hebrew University in Jerusalem we will get a comprehensive introduction to Judaism, historically, philosophically and in current practice. The purpose of these lectures will be to present Judaism from within, as it was understood by its adherents in the past, and by those who practice or identify with Judaism today. That there are so many differences between past and present, and similarly among Jews today, only attests to the impact that events and ideas throughout history had on the nature of Jewish expression and behavior, and the vitality with which Jews addressed those changes, while seeking to maintain a link and sense of continuity with our ancient heritage. We will continue with the format of two lectures each week. Each lecture is approximately a half hour, and there is an opportunity for discussion within the group after each lecture. There is no cost, no homework will be assigned and no grades will be given!  Questions about this program can be directed to Saul Rapkin,

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September 21

2nd Night Sukkot Celebration at NTHC

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