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The Sound of the Shofar (with Student Rabbi Grand)

7PM - The Sound of the Shofar (with Student Rabbi Grand)

Platform: Zoom

Nativot Shalom, one of the last Chassidic masters taught that “At the sound of the Shofar, truth pierces our hearts, and and the entire Jewish people lets out a sigh – a sigh for what could have been, if only we had been a little more open, a little more loving, a little more available for each other. At that moment, there is no judgement. There is only love and growth, and thankfulness for the One who helps us.” Join us as we discuss this and other teachings about the sound of the shofar.

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August 21

Torah Study

August 24

Shofar BaBoker: An Elul Morning Ritual to Bring Intention at this Season