Rabbi’s Message: March 25, 2025
By Rabbi Lauren Ben-Shoshan
The Talmud records this story:
It is said that on the day that Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi died, the Sages decreed a fast, and begged for divine mercy so that he would not die. The maidservant of Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi ascended to the roof and said: “The upper realms are requesting the presence of Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi, and the lower realms are requesting the presence of Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi. May it be the will of God that the lower worlds should impose their will upon the upper worlds.” However, when she saw how many times Rabbi HaNasi would enter the bathroom and remove his phylacteries, and then exit and put them back on, and how he was suffering with his internal disease, she said: “May it be the will of God that the upper worlds should impose their will upon the lower worlds.” And the Sages, meanwhile, would not be silent (i.e., they would not refrain from begging for mercy so that Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi would not die). So the maidservant took a pot and threw it from the roof to the ground. Due to the sudden noise, the Sages were momentarily silent and refrained from begging for mercy, and Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi died. (Babylonian Talmud Ketubot 104a)
Early last autumn, my mother was diagnosed with a rare kind of lymphoma. Throughout her treatments and trials, we prayed for her complete recovery. It did not come, nor will it. While our lower realms have kept her with us for this long, we know that the will of the upper realms will not be denied for much longer. This past week, my parents moved into our house so that my mother may enter hospice and die surrounded by the love of our family.
As our family walks gently through this time, we deeply appreciate your loving care. We know that the time for shattering is coming.
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